Table of Statute
Date | 18 July 2012 |
Item 56 in Part 1 of the second schedule of
the 1979 Constitution of the Federal Republic
of Nigeria………...................................……..58
O 3 r. 15 of the Court of Appeal Rules,
1981................................................321, 752, 754
O 3 r.15 (1) of the Court of Appeal Rules,
1981…............................................751, 744, 753
O. 22 rr. 1&2 of the High Court of Lagos State
(Civil Procedure) Rules, 1972 .............……..38
O. 6, r. 9 (e) of the Court of Appeal Rules
O. 7 r. 25 of the Federal Supreme Court Rules,
O.6, r. 3(a) of the Court of Appeal
(Amendment) Rules 1984 ............…………..41
Or. 3 rule 2(2) of the Court of Appeal Rules,
1981……......................98, 99, 101, 114, 135, 180,
185, 218, 223, 272, 288, 289, 291, 295, 332, 339,
357, 359, 370, 373, 378, 391, 402, 406, 695
Order 1 rule 20( I ) & (3) of the Court of Appeal
Rules 1981….......................................……..776
Order 1 rule 20(3) of the Court of Appeal
Rules, 1981……………………...........13, 23, 25
Order 1 Section 2 of the Court of Appeal Rules,
Order 12 rules 8 and 28 of the Kaduna State
High Court (Civil Procedure) Rules 1987....772
Order 2 rule 30 of the Supreme Court Rules
Order 2, rule 28 and 31, of the Supreme Court
rules, 1985…..........................................……821
Order 27 of the Federal High Court (Civil
Procedure) Rules 1976……….................…594
Order 3 of the Court of Appeal Rules,
Order 3 r. 2(1) Court of Appeal Rules
1981..…............................................429, 689, 869
Order 3 rule (2) (7) of the Court of Appeal
Rules 1981…….......................................…..340
Order 3 rule 14 of the Court of Appeal Rules,
1981…………..........................................792, 793
Order 3 rule 14(2) of the Court of Appeal Rules
1981………..............................................801, 805
Order 3 rule 14(3) of the Court of Appeal Rules
Order 3 rule 2 (4) of the Court of Appeal Rules,
1981 …………............................................….391
Order 3 rule 2 of the Court of Appeal Rules,
Cap. 62 of the Laws of the Federation of
Nigeria, 1990…......................................324, 369
Order 3 rule 2 sub rule (5) and (6) of the Court
of Appeal Rules, 1981 …......................474, 485
Order 3 rule 2 sub-rules (2), (3) and (4) of the
Court of Appeal Rules 1981…....................421
Order 3 rule 2(1)(2) Court of Appeal Rules
Order 3 rule 2(3) and (4) of the Court of Appeal
Rules, Cap. 62, Vol. IV, Laws of the Federation,
Order 3 rule 2(3) of the Court of Appeal Rules
1981………………..........................96, 183, 406
Order 3 rule 2(3) of the Court of Appeal Rules
Cap 62 of the Laws of the Federation of
Nigeria 1990...........................................……296
Order 3 Rule 2(4) Court of Appeal Rules 1991
Order 3 rule 2(4) of the Court of Appeal Rules
1891……..................................……370, 391, 712
Order 3 rule 2(7) of the Court of Appeal Rules
1981……………......................189, 190, 248, 304
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