Table of Statute
Pages | 19-23 |
Abandoned Properties Act
Section 3(1) Cap.1 Laws of the Fed-
eration of Nigeria 1990 …….…..4
Section 1(1) (Cap. 1 Laws of the Fed-
eration, 1990) Abandoned Prop
erties Decree, No. 90 of 1979 …..1
Abandoned Property (Custody and Manage
ment) Edict 1969 Section 15. ….…3
Section 13 Edict No. 8 1966 Laws of
Rivers State. ………..........……….1
Section 2 Edict No. 8 1966 Laws of
Rivers State. ….............………….4
African Chatter on Human and Peoples
Rights, 1986 Article 14………….121
Bendel State Public Lands Acquisition Law
Sections 5 and 9……………119, 127
Constitution of the Federation 1963 Section
Constitution 1979
Section 33(1) ………………..…..564
Section 40………….....…….121, 521
Section 242 (2) (a - e). …………….496
Section 242(2)……………………485
Section250(2). ………..……163, 164
Section 26(1) and (2) ……..118, 497
Section 261(2)…......…………….529
Section 261…………..…………...121
Section 274(5)………..........……..163
Section 274. ………………………123
Constitution 1999
Section 295(2). …………………..497
Section 297 (1) & (2)………..118, 497
Section 297(2)………………….498
Conveyancing Act 1881
Section 21(2)…………………574
Section 7…………………..578, 881
Section14 (1).....………550, 745
Crown Lands Ordinance Laws of Kenya
(1948) Section 88…………………..32
Decrees Decree No. 52 of 1993 Section 1. .868
Decree No. 52 of 1993 Section 2...868
Decree No. 52 of 1993 Section 3. ..868
Decree No. 52 of 1993 Section 6...868
Decree No. 52 of 1993 Section 7...868
Decree No.1 1966 Section 3(4)….507
Decree No.1 1966 Section 6……507
Education (Private Secondary Institution)
(Special Provisions) Edict 1976….15
English Conveyancing Acts, 1881-1892. …535
English Supreme Court Rules Rule 9 in Order
Evidence Act
Section 20(1) Cap. 112, Laws of the
Federation, 1990 …....…………..28
Section 34(1) Evidence Ordinance
Section 45 [now Section 46]
(Cap. 62) ……….....…595, 604
Section 45 Cap. 62 of 1958...597, 860
Section 45 Cap. 112 (1990) ….....….
................52, 617, 629, 673, 871, 878
Section 46 Cap. 112 of 1990
.............................................831, 871
Section 54 ………….....………..353
Section 58 Cap. 62 97, 617
Section 73(2) Cap. 62.. ……597, 617
Section 76……...……...…………820
Section 129….595, 597, 617, 845, 846
Section 135………....…………….165
Section 136 ………..…………….165
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