Table of Statute
Pages | 19-25 |
African Charter on Human and Peoples
Right (Ratification and Enforce
ment) Act Section 1 Cap. 10 Laws
of the Federation of Nigeria 1990
.............................................................. 383,
386, 386, 410, 901, 919, 937, 940, 943
African Charter or Cap. 10 L.F.N. 1990……930
Akwa Ibom State High Court (Civil Procedure)
Rules 1989 Order 22…………380, 502
Area Court Rules Order 9 rule 3…………..489
Bankruptcy and Deeds of Arrangements Act,
Section 15….....................……….520
Bankruptcy Ordinance, 1930
Section 45 (3)……….............……520
Cession treaty of 1861………..................…..940
Chiefs Law, Oyo State Cap. 21
Section 22(4)……................……..671
Companies Decree No. 51 of 1968……….301
Companies Income Tax Act, 1961
Section 17……...................………893
Constitution Federation of Nigeria (2nd Sched
ule to the Nigeria (Constitution)
Order in Council (1960)
Section 64(2)……….................…161
Constitution (Suspension and Modification)
Decree 1993…………...................923
Constitution 1960 Section 12….....……….608
Constitution 1963
Section 22(2)…...................………507
Section 74…....................………..926
Constitution 1979
Section 12(1)..384, 930, 939, 941, 942
Section 23………...........….…604, 607
Section 26…………....................…608
Section 26(1)…………...............…605
Section 31(1)(a)…………..........…403
Section 33….....20, 25, 393, 433, 439,
441, 442, 445, 454, 458, 461, 475, 476
Section 33 (1)…..................................
......8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 26, 34, 35, 39, 382,
391, 409, 422, 437, 446, 449, 450, 456,
463, 485, 488, 490, 622, 627, 631, 661
Section 33(2)(a)…............………..391
Section 33(2)……….................….473
Section 33(4)………...…462, 501, 507
Section 33(6)(a)-(e)…........………462
Section 33(6)………….............28, 459
Section 36(1)………..............…….432
Section 37…………................492, 505
Section 38…………..............604, 608
Section 40 Chapter IV…………..407
Section 40…….....................……..397
Section 42..................................... ..384,
.........................393, 408, 409, 411, 502
Section 42(1)……....…..410, 498, 499
Section 42………......................…..502
Section 64(1) ……................……….4
Section 67 (1)………................…….4
Section 212………....................….908
Section 220(10)(g)(i)……………..504
Section 227………...................……...9
Section 230(l)(r)……...........……..410
Section 230………….8, 281, 923, 933
Section 268…..................………..608
Sections (6)(6)(b) and 236(1).....923,
Constitution 1999
Section 33(1)…..............…………432
Section 35(4)………...................…901
Section 36…………...................….36
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