Labour Party's illusion and politics of deceit

Published date03 February 2023
Publication titleNigeria - The Nation

SIR: 'There are only ever two ad strategies in an election,' says Lord Tim Bell, Margaret Thatcher's favourite adman. 'It's either the opposition saying - 'Time for a change', or the government saying - 'Britain's great again, don't let the other lot muck it up. The rest is just details.'

And he's right. But while the strategies stay the same, the executions can vary wildly. When the Saatchis released their infamous Labour Isn't Working poster in 1978, an incredulous Denis Healey publicly accused the Tories of selling themselves like soap powder. This is not so different from the characteristics of 'Andrew Liver Salt' as described by Senator Shehu Sani and the delusional audacity of 'Nah we bi d structure' a phrase used deceitfully in exposing the...

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